Missy Giove arrestada por posesión de 200 Kgs de Marihuana
Hoy me encontré con esta noticia que es bien impresionante. Missy Giove fue arrestada por poseer 200� grs Kgs� de marihuana, que al parecer no era para consumo personal ya que con esa cantidad nadie se la cree.� La ex corredora de Dh esta en serio aprietos ya que arriesga condena entre 5 y 40 años.� Aqui los dejo con la noticia original que salio en el diario� The Saratogian
WILTON — Nearly 400 pounds of marijuana were seized in a drug bust on Preserve Way Tuesday.
The U.S. Drug Enforcement Administration along with the Capital District Drug Enforcement Task Force conducted the bust at 22 Preserve Way Tuesday afternoon. Eric Canori, 30, of that address, and Melissa Giove, 37, of Chesapeake, Va. were both arrested on charges they conspired to posses and distribute more than 100 kilograms of marijuana.
DEA spokesperson Erin Mulvey said the DEA learned of Giove and Canori’s plans when Illinois State Police notified them about a suspicious traffic stop on June 13. DEA officials put their vehicle under surveillance until it arrived in Wilton. Mulvey said the drugs’ final destination is “still under investigation.”
Giove, a former professional mountain biker, and Canori were arraigned in front of U.S. Magistrate Judge David R. Homer Wednesday and were remanded to custody of U.S. Marshals pending detention hearings Thursday at 1:30 p.m.
Between about June 12 and June 16 Giove, Canori, and others agreed to receive and then further distribute about 384 pounds of marijuana, according to information from the DEA. Following their arrests, a box-trailer belonging to Giove on Preserve Way and Canori’s residence on the same road were searched. Approximately 400 pounds of marijuana were seized in the trailer and residence, along with drug packaging materials, a money counter and other drug paraphernalia, and over one million dollars in U.S. currency. If convicted, Giove and Conari face a mandatory minimum sentence of 5 years, a maximum penalty of 40 years imprisonment and a fine of up to $2 million.
The case was investigated by the Capital District Drug Enforcement Task Force; the New York State Police; the U.S. Attorney’s Office for the Central District of Illinois; the Quad City Metropolitan Enforcement Group; the Henry County, Illinois State’s Attorney’s Office; the DEA Rock Island, Illinois Post of Duty; the DEA Norfolk, Virginia Resident Office; and the Illinois State Police.
Following the defendants’ initial appearance, DEA Special Agent in Charge Gilbride stated, «(Drug) trafficking can lead you downhill fast. From championship mountain biking to street level drug dealing, the only reason people turn to drug trafficking is to make a profit from the sale of illicit narcotics. DEA and our law enforcement partners successfully put the brakes on this drug trafficking organization and put them out of business.»
Me acorde de uno de los hermanos houseman (creo que gary) que tambien lo habian pillado con weed…
myles rockwell tambien lo habian pillado una vez, o estoy volado jajaja?
en fin, que lanze la primera piedra…
Eso fue un doping positivo y una cajita con una colita algo asi, pero estar metido hasta las patas como el misil giovi, que lata!!!, para los del dh mas old school es un icono que marca tendencias y life styles, ojala que la saque barata
haa queee………..misi sacate un misil
patricio 400 pounds son 200 kg!!!! no gramos uuuufffff cana forever para missy la loca!!
@felipe uuu sii toda la razon 200kgs!!! mucha weed!!!
@tonino a myles lo pillaron con 52 plantas en la casa, la noticia decia asi : Inside the home, investigators found a «hydroponic and fully automated indoor marijuana cultivation» operation, according to a news release from the task force. They seized 52 «high quality» sinsemilla plants.
ahh dale ahora cahe bien!
vale tonino
200 KGS!!!
Y aca que anda tan escasa!
buena el dato de myles, pero misil la cago la socia mexican lesbian dealer on da hood…
los deportistas fuman marihuana???
hace poco Sam brown se mato en cana por una coondena por posesion de una no menor cantidad de weed, ojala awante la misil…
Por eso a portarse bien señores, o portarse mal de a poquito jajajajajajaja fuerza a la loca, en too caso en cana, de sexo no se va a privar.
el futuro de los deportistas «top» del descenso ya se está marcando al parecer..
hill, gee, greg, etc… se retiran y ya sabremos en que negocio encontrarlos.. jaja
se le paso la mano a la misil….
Sakate un soco misi …….. Todos dealer pal 2020!!…
Cachando el style de misil, demás que ya se había fumado 400 kilos jajaja, ojalá que no le caigan tan brígido, pq los gringos son cuaticos con los drugdealers. En fin misil será siempre uno de los iconos del Dh de los 90’s
tinvito un pito dijo missi
En la noticia no menciona que al momento del control policial andaba con 1 millon de dollares en efectivo.
200kg no mamen,ayyy missy mija que pasoo??
fuiste mi inspiracion para ser biker y hasta soñaba con tu culo que te cargas
que todo salga bien missy….
video «chain smoke» deberíahaber sido «smoke weed», 200 kg según mis cálculos son 400.000 misiles formato bob Marley